Ask Your Appraiser

Ask the Appraiser: Will New Windows Help Sell My Home Faster?


New windows will help sell your home faster through marketability. The improved energy efficiency, aesthetics, and functionality of new or updated windows will appeal to many buyers. In fact, a 2017 survey by the National Association of Home Builders (NAHB) found that energy efficient windows were seen as desirable by 89% of home buyers. A more marketable home helps with the home's value by allowing it to spend less time on the market.

This is where the expertise of Appraisals By Michael plays a huge role—no computer can tell you how much your home’s value increases because of your new windows or other home improvements. The answer depends on your neighborhood, the market, and numerous other factors. In order to get the most accurate appraisal, contact Appraisals By Michael to hire a local and professional appraiser who understands the specifics of your neighborhood and market.  



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