Ask Your Appraiser

When you find yourself in a profession that requires to poke around the innermost workings of a person’s home, you are bound to come across some unexpected extremities. While you may commonly be faced with a subtle indentation or loose floorboard, many inspectors and appraisers are delighted to find the occasional surprise. As with any job, unforeseen circumstances are often entertaining and break up the daily redundancy. We collected a few pictures taken by home inspectors and appraisers while on the job that surprised them at the time, and are bound to surprise you as well. 

Do not pass "Go." - According to the homeowners, they pulled up there existing carpet to find this elaborate flooring resembling a Monopoly board.

Who needs a keg? - Sometimes there's no time for frivolous things like cups, kegs, trash cans, etc. 

But, why? - We may not specialize in construction, but it doesn't take a professional to see that this garage is a bit problematic. Maybe it's built for a hovercraft. 

Wait is this..? - Yes, this is a servant quarter. Often times in old houses, appraisers and inspectors will find hidden rooms in the home used for a variety of purposes. This particular room was used for servants. 

"Want to see a dead body?" - Every family has its secrets, we try not to ask questions we really don't want to hear the answers to. "Why is there a pair of coffins in your attic?" is sure to pose unwanted results. 

This is awkward - It is moments like this in which silence and speed come in handy. 

Posted by on February 17th, 2016 12:31 PMLeave a Comment

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