Ask Your Appraiser

Filing bankruptcy can be an extremely stressful process. It dismally misrepresents who you are as a person, your future credit, and character. However, the road to a clean slate should be executed strategically with one factor at the top of the list
 an appraisal.

Appraisals By Michael  is providing insight to why it's necessary to hire an appraiser. 

What Is the Function of a Bankruptcy Appraisal? 

  • A bankruptcy appraisal is an assessment of all possessions owned by a person, including real estate and personal property. The bankruptcy court will use the appraisal to determine if a person has sufficient assets to pay his debts and what, if any, assets will be excluded from creditors.
  • A bankruptcy appraisal gives a person solid information about valuation, which helps to decide what type of bankruptcy to file for.
  • The appraisal should be completed by a certified company, who should then print and sign the report and provide a detailed description of the approach used to determine the valuations.

Posted in:awareness and tagged: Appraisalsdebtrelief
Posted by Michael Anthony on February 2nd, 2016 12:41 PMLeave a Comment

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