Ask Your Appraiser

What Are Other Ways to Lower My Property Taxes?
July 8th, 2019 3:52 PM

Ask the Appraiser: What Are Other Ways to Lower My Property Taxes?

In most areas, property tax is based on how much your property is worth in your area. However, don't expect your appraiser to automatically lower your property taxes. Having your property taxes lowered takes more than a downturn in the local housing market. You'll need to file an appeal to reduce the assessed value of your home.

What Are Some Little-Known Options for Lowering My Property Taxes?

  • If you have recently (within the last six months) purchased your house for less than the county's appraised value, this may help you lower your property taxes.
  • Are you missing any deductions? Are you disabled, a senior citizen, a veteran, or qualify as a low-income homeowner? Did you remember to take the homestead exemptions? Does your home qualify as a historic or energy-preserving home? Is your property agricultural? Ensure you include any deductions to lower your taxes.
  • Which units are taxing you? Your property tax notice will list each taxing unit. If you do not recognize a taxing unit, inquire about it with your assessor's office. Each unit has its own rate, and it's possible you are being taxed by an incorrect unit.
  • Pay close attention to rollbacks. If a taxing unit adopts a rate that exceeds the rollback rate, you may petition for an election to reduce the rate. Your local tax appraiser board will have information on how you can organize this.

Appraisals by Michael offers a number of appraisal services, but appraisals for property tax appeals is one of our specialties. We are here to provide you with the assurance that you are only paying your fair share of property taxes. While we are unable to guarantee the outcome of your appeal, an appraisal completed by one of our state-certified appraisers is your best chance of success. State-certified appraisers are largely considered to be the experts in real property valuation. We are familiar, experienced, and trained in the ins and outs of your neighborhood.


Posted by Anne-Marie Boring on July 8th, 2019 3:52 PMPost a Comment

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